Thursday, July 21, 2011

Listening and Crafting the Vision

SO what is the goal here anyway? I think the goal is to finish by May so that I can either apply to a University or apply for a job as an assistant principal. Is alternative education now a focus? If so, where in the process do I want to be? School administration? Post-doc and researching many schools? Teaching teachers?

Here's what I think. I think I want to work with practicing teachers. I think I want to receive grants to provide teachers with experiences that inspire. I think I want to increase the quality of STEM education in alternative schools and detention centers. I think I want to train teachers to educate themselves about jobs and opportunities for job training for their students. I think maybe if I were a principal who was effective at creating a STEM - focused school, that would be very fulfilling. I think If I were a professor who obtained grants for research experiences for teachers, that would be even better. Courses for pre-service, newly inducted, and practicing teachers in which they bring the research experience into the classroom and take the students out of the classroom on a regular basis to conduct investigations. I think I would like to teach a course on discourse analysis for teachers. I think I would like to teach a course on developing research and publication skills in high school students. I think I would like to offer college courses to high school students in alternative school environments.

That may be the vision.

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